
About: Tatiana - Tatiana's Works (Site Closed)

Tatiana and I met when I was holding my first contest and I needed some judges. So, I advertized on my site that I needed some judges and Tatiana was one of the people that replied.

Tatiana is a very kind and sweet person. She is very friendly and cheerful and it is always very pleasant to read her emails. Like most of my sibs, she is also younger then me. lol! I feel so old. Anyway, when I saw that she was looking for sibs on her site, I didn't hesitate to ask to be sibs with her. She is the kind of person I thought, I would like to get to know better, and I am glad I did what I did. ^_^

I am always finding out new stuff that we have in common with each other. Like, we both have a thing for Orlando Bloom and we both like Harry Potter, Inu Yasha, and the LOTR!

Tatiana's dolls are simply amazing. She is wonderful at shading and I just love looking at her animated dolls. I really enjoy her bases because they are just so darn cute! I keep telling myself I'm going to doll something on them but never do. *hits self *ouch!* Everytime I visit her site, and see her new dolls, I see how much more wonderful her talent is becoming and it truly inspires me. So what are you waiting for?! Go visit her fantastic site. ;)

Asking and Accepting Dolls


Dolls Adopted from Tatiana

Here are a few dolls that I have adopted from Tatiana's site. I ask that you please DO NOT adopt them from here. If you would like to adopt them, I strongly encourage you to pay her site a visit and get them from there.

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