

For contest pages that have been taken down; Email me if you've lost your award or think you got one, but never snagged it.

Contest Name/Status/More Information

Word Association/Awards Up!/None

Obnoxious Collars/Awards Up!/None

Personify Purple/Awards Up!/None

When Darkness Falls on Mars/Awards Up!/None

Warrior of the Ages/Awards Up!/None

Inspired By/Awards Up!/None

Magical Me/Awards Up!/None

God/Goddess of the Vine/Awards Up!/None

I'm an Artist!/Cancelled/None

Fantasy/Closed/Awards were lost in a computer crash... sorry I can't give them to you if you lost them.

Contest Information/Rules

sprk Email all entries to "site(REMOVEME)contests@theworld(REMOVEME)ofpurple.net"

sprk Work submitted must be your original work.
sprk Please don't even think about submitting someone elses work. In other words, Work that is NOT yours.
sprk No Frankendolling (Taking bits and pieces of dolls and putting them onto your doll)!
sprk Do not use dollmakers!

sprk Only one entry per person.
sprk Unless, the specific contest states you can submit more then one entry.

sprk Give credit to the creators that you use bases/outlines from.
sprk A link to an active site is prefered.

sprk I would love it if you named your file using this format: DollsName_Base(Name of site where base is from)
sprk For example: BlahBlah_BaseTheUnforgiven (This is mainly for me so I am certain to know where the base is from when I'm adding credit links for each of the entries)
sprk Not required but GREATLY Appreciated.

sprk Dolls should not exceed 350x350 pixels unless other wise stated in the individual contest rules.
sprk You may however kindly ask me and I may accept your doll even if it is a smidge bigger.

sprk Files must not be overly large in file size... At least try to stay within 15kb-20kb.
sprk I will make exceptions to this rule but I'd really appreciate if you notify me and ask me first.

sprk Files must be saved in transparent GIF format (I will not take JPGS or BMPS) OR you must have a background of some sort. I may or may not take PNG files.
sprk If you can't save the files in transparent gif format then ask me and I'll do it for you.

sprk Doll must be PG13 or lower. (Overtly Mature themed dolls will not be accepted)
sprk I may accept dolls with minor/tasteful artistic nudity, however, anything that is pornographic or distasteful in any nature will not be accepted.
sprk I will no take dolls that are overly abusive or gory in nature. Minor amounts of blood are allowed if they pertain and relate to the contest or doll. (i.e. If you're making a doll of a vampire)
sprk Sexually explicit dolls or dolls that bash race, religion (in any form), or gender will not be accepted.
sprk So long as you keep your entries tasteful and apolitical we will get along just fine.

sprk I will accept dolls with animation but please keep it down to 5-6 frames

And the most important of all rules, Have FUN!

If you have any questions feel free to email me and ask at: "site(REMOVE)contests@theworldof(REMOVE)purple.net". I don't bite, I promise ^.^ Well, *grins* unless you do something to provoke me. LMAO!