
About: Maria - Fuchsia Girl

I'm happy to announce that Maria has decided to re-open her doll's site. It's good to have her back. *glomps*

Bases: Yumestudio

The Gift above was made for Maria when she had grown busy with real life and had decided to push dolling aside for an undetermined amount of time and as Steph and I are her sisters and we care for her very much, we decided to make her a little present to wish her well.

Maria was my very second sib and the first person, I ever asked to be siblings with. I can't tell you how nervous I was when I asked her. I was doing what I seem to do best, whining to my sib, Brandon. lol! I'm surprised he hasn't disowned me.

Maria is one of the people who really sparked my interest in dolling. We met at The Hidden Hangout, a sims forum and small, tight-knit community. There, she showed her dolls and it really inspired me to try my own. I wasn't very good, as you can imagine, but she was always there with kind and encouraging words. So, when I decided to open a site, I had to ask her to be sibs with me.

Maria is very talented at putting the most beautiful details onto really small dolls. It is a talent that I greatly admire. All her dolls are filled with beautiful detail and unmistakingly her own.

Asking and Accepting Dolls

ask acpt

Dolls Adopted from Maria

Here are a few dolls that I have adopted from Maria's site. I ask that you please DO NOT adopt them from here but get them from her beautiful site instead.

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