
About: Sarah - Sawcat's Pixel Sideshow

Let's see... I'm never good at writing these up because I feel very much like what comes out is sentimental corn... Not that it's a bad thing... I suppose. Anyway, Sarah and I have been knowing each other for a while now. It wasn't really until The Last Gate was launched that we both truly came out of our shells and started talking. Until that point we were just friendly admirers and stalkers of each other's work. hehe! We're both pretty shy so it's amazing that now we talk just about everyday on messenger.

I like to say that Sarah is a history buff and I usually go to her and Steph both if I have questions about certain time periods. We are both bookworms and like to read and watch Jane Austen movies. She has introduced me to my latest addiction, which is collecting the various Jane Austen inspired movies and series. But I can't complain because I enjoy them a lot. Sarah has agreed to come on a trip to Europe with me. Our goal is to harrass handsome English men and the like. Isn't that a worthy goal?! Hehe! We can take in the other sites as well while we're there. lol! Another fun tidbit is that between Sarah and Steph, we could have the whole hundred acre wood. I have decided that if ever I should get another puppy, I'm going to help finish off the collection by naming him Piglet.

Asking and Accepting Dolls


Dolls Adopted from Sarah

Here are a few dolls that I have adopted from Sarah's site. I ask that you please DO NOT adopt them from here.

sawcat1 sawcat1 sawcat1
sawcat1 sawcat1 sawcat1